Saturday, July 7, 2018

George Comstock on my mind (b. 1/7/1915 - d. 7/15/2007)

George was fond of reminding us about Horace Mann's commencement address at Antioch College in 1859: "Be ashamed to die before you have won some victory for humanity." George’s own humble approach amended Horace Mann’s assertion: "Most of us aren't going to win any big victories, but we can win little ones every day, and they mount up."

In epidemiology, it’s the pressing on, via the forward progress, making discoveries and adding incrementally more definitive evidence, that we propel the field forward within our own lives, and across generations that follow. The evidence mounts up.

It’s rarely been the single definitive study.

Perhaps not the best field for someone who wants to win the Nobel Prize for a field-changing discovery that makes the Tuesday Times.


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