Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Carl D. Chambers, R.I.P.

I actually was surprised to see this old obituary notice today.

The first time I met up with Carl’s work, aside from his highly informative books and articles, was in a review of a State of Minnesota needs assessment survey we had been asked to critique for the state government in the early 1970s.

The last time I met up with Carl was at a New York City symposium on drugs, most likely 2 years before he passed on, roughly 1987-88.

He and one of his drug research colleagues from Texas took me out on the town (Ozzie ?).
At about 10:30 p.m., they said they were going to take a bus to Atlantic City, but could hire a car if I joined them.
I declined.
(Needed to be able to give a talk on cocaine the next morning.)

Later, Carl and I continued to correspond, but he had stopped much of his drugs research, and had other things on his mind.


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