Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Drugs and predatory crime... general social maladaptation

It is impossible for me to think about these linkages without considering how we can predict and how we can shape early risks of drug involvement by knowing and shaping early adaptation all (or maladaptational) responses to social task demands faced in early primary school.

But it is worthwhile to study whether drug use might promote maladaptive behavior, independent of that association.

Chaiken and Chaiken (1990) offer a helpful review of some of the issues faced in this area of research.

If you have interest in child social maladaptation on later drug use, these are important issues.

Question 1: While drug is illegal, can anyone ignore the link to social maladaptation (failure to live up to social role expectations, including to abide by the rules)?

Question 2: Consider a place where use of a drug is not against the rules: In that context, would social maladaptation still predict incidence of drug use?

Some commentators (without much evidence) argue thstbin the 19th century, before supra-local drug lars, there was no such association. Will the association weaken as we look, year by year, at the social maladaptation index and incidence of drug use? As we look in ESPAD countries arrayed from Portugal (liberal rules) to Sweden (still relatively strict rules)?

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