Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A question: What explains a population's response to a multi-individual traumatic event?

Discussion section for a course on psychiatric epidemiology

1. PTSD question for psychiatric epidemiologists?

Will we see cases of PTSD among those who were not present in Nice on Bastille Day, but who watched the event on TV?

Will we see cases of PTSD among those who were not present in New Orleans during that Mardi Gras celebration, but who watched the event on TV?

PTSD-TV readings:

Also see: "Post-Modern Stress Disorder" hypothesis: link

2. To what extent will a democracy-regulated population accept federal government curtailment of its freedoms after a foreign-origin terrorism event (e.g., 9/11), a domestic-origin terrorism event (e.g., Oklahoma bombing, April, 1995), or a drunk driving catastrophe?

Take into consideration the number of people killed or injured each year in the US from each type of event?

Take into account the U.S. Constitution and its focus on the protection of the U.S. from foreign invasion, with no mention of drunk driving, as well as other considerations.

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