Sunday, February 5, 2017

Housekeeping note Super Bowl Sunday

A note to blog readers.
If you see a large blank space where there should be a photo or image, please post a comment and let me know about it.
It's probably a problem such as my failure to set the image with a publicly shareable link.
I think this is a glitch in Google Blogger.
It's necessary for me to be logged into my google account in order to compose a blog, but because I am logged in, I can see every image I import from by Gdrive. I then check out the Preview function and see if the image shows up there. If I can, from now on, I will try it from a different device where I'm not logged into the Google account, if I have time to do so.
But you can back me up and add a comment when you cannot see an image (or when a URL link is broken) or if you spot other problems.

p.s. Prior complaints stopped when I started using an app called "BlogTouch Pro," which has all the features I typically need and uploads screenshots from my iPad without a hitch. The only hidden feature that was hard to find is the Scheduler to delay release of the blogpost. It doesn't show up until after you press the Gear (Settings) button, followed by the "Publish" option. The Scheduler icon is a clock face that then shows  up on the top menu to the right of the post title and to the left of the other menu items up top.

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