Thursday, October 13, 2016

Farr on the concept of between-census population registers

(Picture of Farr): click here 👍🏻

See the prior note on Humphreys's 1885 edited collection of Willam Farr's works.
The following image is from page 33 of that volume, and it is from an 1871 census report.

Farr is writing about the concept of a country's population.

A potentially useful quotation is shown below. (You might evaluate his 19th century noun choice as you might evaluate the 18th century Declaration of Independence's "We hold these truths....")

"Statistics is in some respects, in the present day, dealing with men like trigonometry dealing with lines and angles, able to deduce from certain given data others of which there is no trace; from a basis of observed facts other facts can be determined; ...."

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