Friday, October 7, 2016

Biography of William Farr now available as free e-book

 Link to that excerpt from Hare (1883):

Morton Kramer introduced me to the work of William Farr when I was a Hopkins postdoc in 1977-78. About 15+ years later, as Mort was clearing out his office before full retirement, he gave me an inscribed copy of Farr's collected papers. (Mort's gift should be in my office unless I've loaned it to a student and haven't collected it.)

I think there now is an e-book collection and PDF-scanned version of that same book now available online. Maybe someone can find that e-copy of the set of collected works by Farr, and submit the URL via a comment to this blog post. I am seeing Volume 2, but not Volume 1, and it would be good to see URL for both volumes, or the entire collection, if the whole set is out there somewhere publicly accessible.

Here is  a link to the short biography based on Hare (1883):

It is curious that Hare said nothing about Farr's studies with Pierre Charles-Alexandre Louis in France, nor of Farr's work in what we now know as iodine-deficiency-diseases in mountain-areas (either the Swiss or French Alps), according to other biographers. In addition, Condorcet's influence on Farr's world view is not mentioned. I'm not seeing any UK origins of Farr's liberal ideas about universal education. By inference, one might attribute Farr's thoughts in this matters to what he learned by reading or hearing about Condorcet.

Once I find the hardcopy book or the e-version, you should read Farr's own words and make your own decision. He also speaks glowingly of Halley's life table, but Hare does not mention it.

Within this post I have placed a sample from Hare's biographical note, and Hare might have had an axe to grind. Maybe someone can find some interactions of Hare and Farr on the topic of population density, mortality, and the 'fast [and] debauched living' of city-dwellers. Perhaps the city-dwelling readers of this blog post can enlighten us about the kind of fast and debauched living Hare had in mind. (I'm not sure we know much about that kind of stuff out here in rural Michigan.)

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