Friday, December 9, 2016

Nan Laird Interview

I have been trying to track down interviews with luminaries in the field, and to encourage our current trainees and early career stage investigators to go meet with people and contribute their own interviews. My search has been for interviews with Lee Robins, Jane Murphy, and others I have mentioned in prior blog posts, but along the way, I found an excellent interview with Harvard Professor Nan Laird and want to share it with you. Another superb biostatistican, Louise Ryan, was the interviewer and did an excllent job of eliciting pertinent autobiographical details from NL, including her key work on the EM algorithm, how contributions to longitudinal modeling played out, and creation of the NIMH joint Epidemiology-Biostatistics T32 program. Read the interview and you will learn about 'thinking algorithmically,' among other things.

I hope you enjoy reading it and will volunteer to find other useful interviews I can post on our whatnot shelf for psychiatric epidemiology.

Link to PDF:
Nan Laird interviewed by Louise Ryan: Downloadable PDF

Photo of Nan Laird from within the PDF:

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