Sunday, November 20, 2016

Women in psychiatric epidemiology

As I look over my prior posts, I see almost exclusive coverage of work by men, generally white of European descent.

I shall try to add some diversity now and in the future. If I understand correctly, Joy Mott helps in two ways, including her South Africa heritage.

Perhaps blog-correspondents can suggest others I might neglect otherwise

Recent re-reading is from and about Joy Mott, Rema Lapouse, and Mary Monk, and a new find is Virginia Berridge at the London School:

Joy Mott

Rema Lapouse and Mary Monk, et al.

Virginia Berridge: Start here.

More of V. Berridge's work in this field.

Interviews with V. Berridge

Youtube contributions from a link on V. Berridge's web site:

More planned to follow on  Ruth Fairbanks, Lee Robins, Barbara Dohrenwend, Jane Murphy, Charlotte Silverman, Anita Bahn, Zena Stein (who panned our first NIMH R01 proposal during a site visit to Hopkins with Eugene B. Brody of UMaryland, in what probably was a lifelong favor to me), Myrna Weissman, Glorisa Canino, Judy Brooks, and Linda Cottler, to mention just a few who deserve mention.

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