Sunday, November 20, 2016

FEAD: Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs and a question for Blog correspondents

FEAD: Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs

I found this web resource when looking up whether Virginia Berridge's also might be from South Africa. (No autobiography or biographical details on Professor Berridge's found yet.)

Is there any similar audiovisual web resource for neuropsychiatric epidemiology?

Also, heavily UK oriented?

Should CPDD do something more international?

ACNP has a useful video archive as well as transcripts from our history project.

[It was now-deceased Vanderbilt Professor of Pharmacology Oakley S. Ray, with whom I had corresponded since 1972, who hooked me into the ACNP History Committee, and I came up through its ranks to become the chair of that committee about the time ACNP was celebrating its 50th anniversary. As events would unfold, in a cost-cutting move and perhaps in fallout from our invitations to have Cathy DeAngelis and David Healey give committee-sponsored lectures that were deemed controversial by some members, ACNP Council de-commissioned the History Committee about that time. Perhaps I'll go down in ACNP history  as the last chair. (Putting it that way, I guess I'm a captain who did not go down with the ship.)]

C. DeAngelis Web Site after she returned to Hopkins from JAMA.

Catherine DeAngelis ACNP lecture (History of Women in ACNP)

David Healy ACNP lecture

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