Tuesday, September 27, 2016

About the university of Minnesota, and personal hygiene versus public health.

From Prof Vern Weckwirth at University of Minnesota, who was my first biostatistics prof:

Every student at this University had to take a course in public hygiene or whatever the name was then. Yes, so it’s always been here. It was fascinating to me, because, well, it just was a link between what were the personal health practices that you ought to know and the public health practices which ought to exist, and at which we’d never been very good. I can remember [Prof] Gaylord Anderson ... in a lecture when I took the class. He said, “What’s the difference between personal and public health? Do you have an example?” I said, “Yes.” “Yes?” “If you wash your hands before you urinate, that’s personal health. If you wash them after, that’s public health.” 


Time for zzz.

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