Thursday, May 3, 2018


The Juul is a trendy vape pen that heats up liquid nicotine that users inhale. It has capsules or pods that come in a variety of flavors like "cool mint" and "fruit medley," each containing about as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. The flavorful pods are seemingly attractive to teen users.

"These flavors are drawing them in and the nicotine is forcing them to stay," Waxman said.


  1. Looks just like a flash drive. Concerning that an estimated 3 million US adolescents use e-cigs including those that never smoked. Even more concerning that they think it is "cool to Juul" and this leads many to try smoking as well.

  2. Madhur Chandra has left a new comment:

    Looks just like a flash drive. Concerning that an estimated 3 million US adolescents use e-cigs including those that never smoked. Even more concerning that they think it is "cool to Juul" and this leads many to try smoking as well.

  3. "Leads to" is a causal statement the media loves to make. The question is whether there is a way to find the counterfactual to support that. If so, how??? Would it be possible e-vapor is replacing cigarettes, at least for some? If so, is that necessarily a bad thing?

  4. Thank you Hui. Good point. There is little evidence to support a causal claim at this point, but the article appeared to reference the direction of the association from Juuling to Smoking among non-smokers, which if true would be somewhat counterintuitive since Juuling is supposed to help smokers quit rather than act as a stepping stone to initiate new adolescents into smoking.

  5. Madhur Chandra has left a new comment:

    Thank you Hui. Good point. There is little evidence to support a causal claim at this point, but the article appeared to reference the direction of the association from Juuling to Smoking among non-smokers, which if true would be somewhat counterintuitive since Juuling is supposed to help smokers quit rather than act as a stepping stone to initiate new adolescents into smoking.

  6. Well... The question, then, is whether these never smokers would start smoking if e-vapors are not available; would they remain never smokers for ever, start smoking anyways, or start smoking sooner if Juul or e-vapors are not there?
    I'd say the case about e-vapor is quit different between adolescents and adults.


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