Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Time to discuss what epidemic means?

Dual meanings inside and outside of epidemiology.

An anonymous AJE reviewer recently objected to our mention of the current cannabis epidemic, and argued that it no longer is an epidemic, but rather is "endemic."

For a different perspective, see the CDC use of the term in this report from August 2016, and notice the trend in estimates:



Plus, an opinion recently voiced in a JAMA Viepoint article:


Standard epi definition is an unexpected increase in numbers of newly incident cases or in the incidence rate (i.e., relative to expectation based on prior estimates for that population).

And see Frost and Van Volkenburgh (1935) for a somewhat muddled exposition -- i.e. muddled because "prevalence" is not clearly differentiated from " incidence" in some paragraphs, but context makes the meaning clear:



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