Monday, April 3, 2017

Opium, labor, capitalism, and Peru

Over the past ~25 years of work with colleagues of and in Peru, I sadly have not become any sort of area studies expert, but I have learned a little bit about Peru's many cultures, including an Afro-Peruvian tradition that dates back to inhumane slave labor on plantations.

(There are some manifestations of a Black Power movement in Peru, but there also are manifestations of other themes.)

Chinca is a "Chincha Alta" region city not far South from Lima. I encountered it en route to Pisco and the Ballestas Island Reserve, and a view of some Nazca lines, but wish to return for closer study. Chinca Baja is an agricultural region just to the North of Pisco. 

Pinch map to see Chinca relative to the Ballestas.

I offer a glimpse of "local culture" in a non-judgmental way, but I'd wish to know more about the local views of Chinca citizens. (I know my Lima colleagues were not entirely happy to see these lifesize 'statuettes' close by the central Plaza.)


The image started my search to learn more.

Here, I offer an example of scholarship about "coolie" labor and transportation to Peru for cultivation of opium. There is much to be learned about this facet of culture and history in Peru. Let me know if you would like to pursue this lead. Two links:

Here is a link to more general bibliographies on opium and China:
Opium and China

Here is a recent article of interest on the Opium wars:



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