Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Life in these United States: female-male drinking, good/bad, benefit/risk?

“Cumulative meta-analysis summary estimates from the US show a highly reproducible female excess in newly incident drinking among 12-17 years (final estimated female-male difference in risk, FMD = 2.1%; 95% confidence interval = 1.5%, 2.7%). Several European countries show female excess risk, estimated as lifetime cumulative incidence of drinking onsets before age 17 years. At the country level, the observed magnitude of FMD in risk is positively associated with the Gender Development Index (especially facets related to education and life expectancy of females relative to males), and with residence in a higher income European country.”

and this:

Monday, January 29, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Physical dependence versus....

In my view, the differentiation of ‘physical’ from ‘psychological’ dependence takes us back several centuries before studies of central nervous system processes evolved into modern 21st century neuroscience. Nature does not carve at this joint. This article has much to say that should teach us about treatment of this condition. It has unfortunate dualism echoes that ignore neuroscience advances.

This issue does not take anything away from the author’s main point:

“... we need to publicly recognize that recovery on medication is every bit as valid as any other treatment. What matters is whether, as Freud put it, you can love and work, not the chemical content of your brain or urine.’

Multi-trait Multi-Method Research: What do you know about it?

Most epidemiologists know little:

Monday, January 15, 2018

Glenn Sonnedecker, Belated R.I.P.

His contribution on the history of the concept of “opiate addiction” is a “must read” for anyone with a serious interest.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Opioid Epidemic, Observations in 2017


I cannot say that I agree with all of the author's assertions or conclusions, but it is a thought-provoking essay.

(There actually are quite a few diseases that, once acquired, can possess a reinforcing function that is as strong or stronger than is exerted by the attempts to cure the disease.)

Quotations from within:
