Saturday, March 18, 2017

Profile of Research Career Possibilities. Case Study: Prof. S. Strathdee

When is an effect not an effect? APC, of course

Here's a web tool I ran across.
Does it produce the mutoscope trace as a graph?
Looking for a good graphing tool for that purpose, and to shift focus from eyeball pattern congruence evaluation to a non-linear functional analysis with parameters that can be compared across non-nested sample spaces.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Side-bar blog: Soliciting good decent diet places to eat in NYC

Pretty price-y classic Oyster Bar at Grand Central Terminal, but Mon-Weds there's a happy hour from 5:30-7 and also on Saturdays from 1-7 PM with GCOB Long Island Bluepoint Oysters for $1.25 each. Not half bad. Plus, nearby, there is a salad bar with a $4.99 salad of good mixed greens and dressing, with additional ingredients at 70 cents a pop (e.g., chickpeas, tomatoes, etc.).

 But my favorite salad place was Cafe Metro up Lexington Avenue at 45th or 46th street, just a few blocks away from GCT. $7.99 for a huge salad and multiple toppings. Helped me manage to keep my NYC meal costs at a reasonable level, and ate well. 

Longwood Gourmet buffet ($7.99/pound) at Lexington and 48th looked good, but my sample of various items prompted me never to return, except in a pinch. It helps that it's open 24 hours, but I'd have to be pretty hungry late at night to go back there again.